Kimberly Anderson Rozier, CPA, PC is a full-service accounting firm located in Jesup, Georgia. Rozier CPA will provide you with high-quality, professional service with a personal touch.

Our strength lies in our ability to provide you with year-round planning for your tax, financial, and business affairs. We will serve as your business and financial guide to assist you in:

  • keeping your taxes as low as the law allows.
  • building your personal wealth through sound tax and financial planning.
  • satisfying recordkeeping and report filing requirements.
  • solving business problems.
  • using financial reports to make sound business decisions.
  • achieving the maximum profit from your business venture.
  • planning your estate to achieve your wishes and to reduce tax costs.


Our office is ready to serve your needs. We can suggest many tax and business strategies to help you succeed! If you have any questions, please call Rozier CPA at (912) 427-2900 or send your questions to us via e-mail. If you need a proficient tax accountant, Rozier are the experts.

We focus on salary managing, tax accounting, tax regulations, VAT consulting and managing, business consulting, transaction managing and administration overall. With network of professional staff here and abroad, Rozier CPA will bring you a level of sophistication which has no competition.

Join our story and lets build your business together. Expand and grow without worrying about your business or personal accounting needs. Rozier CPA can help. Let us be your tax accountant. Contact us today!

March 2025